Here’s an epic list of fruits that start with “A” that can help you expand your knowledge about fruit in different regions around the world!
NEW & UPDATED! Keep reading to see all 45 fruits that start with the letter A!
How many fruits do you know and eat frequently?
The truth is there are a lot of fruits out there, but we often get exposed to only a select few, which we then stick to.
It’s not at all bad, but it gets pretty boring when you end up eating the same thing over and over again.
What you want and need is variety, but this is one of those times when looking at cool pictures and reading about fun fruits may be all that is available to you.
Let’s get going with all fruits that start with an A (because why not?).
Find out how many you know out of all the ones we included in this list.
From the Amazon Tree Grape to the Aubergine (yep, it’s a fruit!) and the Ambrosia Melon, you’ll be amazed and aghast and awestruck at this incredible list of fruits that start with “A”!
If you have a score of 10 or lower, you absolutely need to up your game!
1. Apple
Yes, that’s right!
Number 1 in our list, and perhaps it’s the first that comes to your mind when asked for a fruit that starts with A.
The apple trees most likely originated in Asia, but today the apple trees ripen throughout America and Europe.
There are thousands of Apple varieties available, Pink Lady, Royal Gala, and one of the most popular, the Granny Smith.
Apples are known for versatility; you can eat them fresh from the tree or incorporated with the foods you love, such as pies and pastries, and even as used to create delicious dishes like Applesauce and Apple Butter.
2. Apricots
This small, soft-textured, and juicy fruit with pale orange and furry skin is so succulent!
Apricots naturally need warm weather to grow.
In European countries, it comes mostly in summer, while Turkey is the largest producer of apricot in the world.
Whether fresh, dried, fried, or baked, you’ll love apricots and the recipes it gives.
3. Avocado
Avocado, sometimes referred to as alligator pear, has a yellowish or greenish flesh fruit, rich in nutty flavor and has a buttery taste.
Avocados are often present in salads, and many love to eat them as a dessert.
For instance, the famous Guacamole is made from mashed avocados, perfect for your Chicken Melts recipe and breakfast toast.
We are avocado aficionados and that’s why we compiled these 32 Avocado Recipes!
4. Acai Berry
This little grape-like fruit is renowned in South America and is harvested from Acai Palm Trees.
Acai Berries are considered a super fruit because they offer a range of health benefits.
Its increasing popularity reached multinational and now serves as smoothies, Acai Berry bowls, and ingredients for delicious recipes.
5. Acerola Cherry
Acerola cherry or sometimes called Barbados Cherry is native to tropical countries of the Western Hemisphere like Brazil and Columbia.
Acerola cherry is relatively expensive and can be limitedly available through the specialty section of various supermarkets.
6. Amanatsu
Amanatsu is translated as “Sweet Summer.”
These oranges are available in Japan every spring through summer, having the translated term “Sweet Summer.”
Its medium to large oranges has a round or oval shape with fragrant zest and citrusy flavor.
It’s best for fresh eating, while the zest and juice are helpful in culinary applications.
Amanatsu oranges are a staple in Japanese cuisine and are also used for creating candies, marmalade, sherbets, and ice cream.
7. Achacha
This tropical and refreshing fruit is outstanding when served cold or frozen; its taste is perfectly balanced between acerbity and sweetness.
Achacha, native to the Amazon, has an edible white pulp with a texture similar to lychee or mangosteen and typically has two almond-sized seeds.
Achacha pulp can be included in liquor and cocktails or pureed and used to make gelato, sorbet, and tarts, or tossed in salad bowls.
8. Amazon Tree Grape
Amazon Tree Grape is native to South America and comes with different names such as Uvilla and Pourouma Multifida.
It naturally thrives in the wild while others plant them in home gardens.
These fruits are eaten fresh with a grape-like sweet taste and delicious white pulp that can make jam or wine.
9. Alpine Strawberry
Alpine Strawberries are glossy red berries, also called wild strawberries or woodland.
It’s common all across North America, Europe, and Asia.
These sweet, small, but great fruit are great for your snacks, salads, and dessert toppings!
10. Ambarella
Ambarella is a fast-growing tree that bears an edible fruit with a fibrous pit and tastes best when they are colored golden-yellow.
The Ambarella fruit can be made into flavoring soups, sauces, and stews.
Moreover, it can be eaten unripe paired with salt, shrimp paste, or sugar.
11. Aprium
Apriums are the outcome of hybridized numerous crosses between apricots and plums; however, it’s more predominantly an apricot developed by Floyd Zaeger in the 1980s in Modesto, California.
With smooth orange skin and bright orange tender flesh and much sweeter than apricot and plum, Apriums give a great sweeter flavor to various recipes.
As a serving suggestion, this fruit can be eaten as a fresh snack, in salads, desserts, or as a sweetener for other dishes.
12. Aubergine
Aubergine is a plant that thrives as large, purple fruit, and in North America, you probably call them “eggplants.”
Whether eggplant or Aubergines, yes, they’re both fruits often mistakenly referred to as vegetables.
There are various ways to serve Aubergines.
Fry, grill, or bake and even add to savory dishes like casseroles and curries; they’re indeed delectable to eat.
13. Amla
Also known as Indian gooseberry and is further considered a superfood because of its different herbal medicine and culinary use.
Amlas’s taste has been described to be bitter and sour.
This fruit is mainly used in Indian cuisine and traditional medicine.
14. Ackee
Technically, Ackee is a fruit but is often used and cooked as a vegetable in delightful dishes in West African cuisine.
Jamaica’s national fruit is Ackee, the main ingredient in their national dish Ackee and Saltfish.
It has a whiff of sweet taste and melt-in-your-mouth texture with creamy inner flesh.
15. Ambrosia Melon
Are you craving extra-sweet and juicy, mouthwatering aroma fruit?
This sugary soothing fruit is just the right one for you!
It has a lovely tender flesh with a pale orange color, perfect for desserts and salads.
You can also make a pureé out of Ambrosia Melons for soup, sauces, and drinks.
16. Asian Pear
The Asian Pear has a juicy, crisp, grainy texture that will satisfy most fruit lovers, including kids!
Asian Pear is native to East Asia; it’s also called Japanese Pear, Apple Pear, Korean Pear, and Chinese Pear.
Yes, it’s known by many names.
They are naturally eaten fresh or occasionally used in marinades, salads, compotes, and desserts like Asian Pear Crisp and Asian Pear Pie.
Here are 21 Asian Pear recipes for lots of fun ideas!
17. Alupag
Alupag is a very delectable fruit from SouthEast Asia, known to be endemic to the Philippines but reach neighboring countries like Malaysia.
It appears to have rougher skin than lychee and longan.
It has a very delightful flesh but happens to be ignored by well-known relatives like longan and lychee.
18. Australian Finger Lime
These elongated and small limes are a citrus fruit native to Australia, containing tiny pulps filled with a sour taste juice called citrus caviar.
Because of its distinct tangy taste, Culinary chefs sought them to use alongside pasta and seafood dishes like sashimi and grilled salmon.
You can also make marmalade and jams from this fantastic fruit.
Australian finger lime comes in many colors, like crimson red, black, and yellow-green, even if it grows on the same tree!
19. Abiu
Pouteria caimito is the other name for this tasty fruit and is naturally found in Peru, Venezuela, Brazil, and Colombia.
Abiu requires a year-round warm and humid climate to thrive.
Ripe Abiu has a soft and caramel-tasting flesh that is great paired with yogurt, fruit salads, and sherbet recipes.
20. Apple Berry
Apple berry seems comparable to a peach fruit on the outside with hairy skin elongated shape.
Apple Berry grows native in Australia and is also called “Apple dumpling.“
Its taste and flavor are similar to kiwi fruit or stewed apple.
Fun fact: Unlike the usual fruit that ripens from the tree, Apple berries only ripen after it falls from the bush and turns yellow.
21. Annona
Don’t be deceived by the grumpy look of this fruit!
Annona fruit is commonly eaten fresh or chilled as a dessert or snack.
Surprisingly, it has creamy and sweet flesh with a fragrant aroma and custard-like consistency fitted to create smoothies, ice cream, sherbets, and jams.
Annona fruit, also known as “Sugar Apple”, is available all year round in tropical countries such as Cuba, Central America, the Philippines, and India.
22. African Horned Cucumber
Also called “Kiwano,” this curious-looking fruit is native to Southern and Central Africa.
It has a bright yellowish-orange color with an oval shape, spiky outer skin, and slimy inner flesh.
It tastes a lot like cucumber but slightly sweeter.
And some say that when it’s ripe enough, it can taste and smell like a banana.
23. Agbalumo
Continuing our journey of exotic African fruits, let’s take a look at Agbalumo.
Agbalumo is also referred to as the “African Star Apple” as it is endemic to the continent.
Eating this fruit is an experience in itself.
Agbalumo has a thick rind with a tart flavor and jelly-like flesh ranging from incredibly sweet to lip-puckeringly sour.
24. Annatto
Ever wonder where the orange-red color of many dishes comes from?
For some dishes, the answer is Annatto!
It might look like the standard nut or seed, but it’s actually an edible fruit.
It’s commonly used as a food coloring and to enhance dishes with its peppery flavor.
From ScienceDirect: The seed is also used as a flavoring agent in South and Central American and Caribbean dishes, imparting a mild peppery flavor with a slight nutmeg taste.
25. Adams Pearmain Apple
Now, here’s a well-loved apple fruit from the Victorian era.
Part of its appeal at the time was its nutty, somewhat dry taste.
Although this particular variety is no longer as popular today, the Adams Pearmain Apple and its old-fashioned flavor are still valued among heritage apple fans.
27. African Breadfruit
These bright green fruits are a welcome choice in African cuisines, often served as a main dish.
These can weigh up to 20 pounds — a hefty fruit that can fill up an entire plate for sure.
28. African Mango
I can almost hear the questioning murmurs at this point.
Yes, there is such a thing as African Mango, and no, it’s not the same as your regular mango.
Let me introduce you to the infamous Irvingia Gabonesis, also known as African Mango.
This yellow-green fruit grows in West-Central Africa and is quite sweet, with just a hint of tartness.
29. Amaou Strawberries
The Japanese have an affinity for strawberries, often adding them to desserts and other recipes.
But these are no ordinary strawberries — Amaou Strawberries are a remarkable variety that’s known for their taste and quality.
They’re even aptly dubbed “The King of Strawberries.”
Now, that’s quite the highest honor a strawberry could ever receive.
30. Ambrosia Apples
Yes, there are ambrosia melons.
And there are Ambrosia Apples too.
This particular fruit is sweet, almost honey-like in taste, with some hints of floral and citrusy flavors.
If you ask me, the name alone is fitting for this apple.
Ambrosia, by definition, refers to “Food of the gods,” which sums this fruit up quite well.
31. Arava Melon
Unless you’re from the Middle East, you probably haven’t encountered an Arava Melon yet.
But this fruit is such a revelation — it has a sweet and juicy flesh with an aromatic aroma that’s described as a mix of melon and honey.
This is quite the opposite of its direct translation, which means “desolate and dry area” in Hebrew.
But no need to worry — the Arava Melon is anything but dry when you bite into it.
32. Asam Kumbang
Can’t get enough of mangoes and their many varieties?
Well, neither can I, which is why the Asam Kumbang is one of my top picks of fruits that start with “A.”
This variety is endemic to Asia and can be distinguished by its bright yellow-orange color and curved shape.
34. African Cherry Orange
Don’t let the name fool you — the African Cherry isn’t really a cherry.
They are a citrus-like fruit from Africa that is as acidic and sour as its orange cousins.
35. Alligator Apple
Something alligators and humans can agree on: the Alligator Apple can be filling.
Although, for an apple, it’s surprisingly small in size.
You can eat this directly from the tree, but making jam out of it is a more popular way to eat this.
36. Almonds
OK, hear me out because there’s a sound argument here.
Almonds are technically fruits.
Because you know how nuts like Almonds and cashew are encased in a fleshy outer shell?
And inside, there’s a hard casing that holds the nut.
This type of fruit is called a drupe, and they belong to the same family as peaches, plums, and cherries.
And that’s why Almonds are fruits!
37. Amara
Amara has many names, such as the yellow mombin and hog plum, but it’s most commonly known as the Amara.
This tropical fruit is native to Central and South America and can be eaten fresh or cooked into jams and jellies.
Even the leaves are edible, so a tree of the Amara can be a great source of food.
38. Anchovy Pear
I know that when we talk of anchovy, the first thing that comes to mind is fish.
But the truth is, anchovy also refers to a particular kind of fruit — the Anchovy Pear.
A Jamaican favorite, this fruit is usually served as hors d’oeuvres.
It also gets its name from the other famously salty snack.
But unlike its fishy namesake, the Anchovy Pear has a sweet flavor similar to the mango.
39. Andean Blackberry
Andean suggests that it came from the Andes, which is a mountain range located in South America — and it does.
The blackberry part is self-explanatory, as it looks and has a flavor similar to the North American Blackberry.
40. Apple Guava
It sounds like something made in a lab, but the Apple Guava is real.
It looks beautiful, too — the outer skin is green, and the flesh is bright pink.
It’s an excellent snack for those who like something different but still sweet and fruity.
41. Araca-Boi
My search for A-fruits led me to this little-known Brazilian favorite: the Araca-Boi.
Eating the fruit straight off the tree is not recommended, as it has a sour taste that can be unpalatable.
But mix it in cocktails, smoothies, or desserts, and you’ll find yourself with a delicious treat.
42. Arrayan
The Arrayan is an exciting fruit from South America that’s known for its highly aromatic smell.
This is mostly linked to the flowers that bloom from the tree, but you can also expect to get a slightly sweet taste when you bite into it.
43. Ashwagandha
You might have heard of Ashwagandha as an adaptogen — a supplement that helps your body adapt to stress.
But this same plan is actually fruit-bearing too.
Also called “winter cherry” or “Indian ginseng,” ashwagandha looks and tastes like a ripe cranberry.
44. Azarole
This Mediterranean tree is a sight to behold when in full bloom — and an even greater pleasure to eat.
The Azarole fruits are small and red, which gives the tree the illusion of being covered in berries.
45. African Mangosteen
Let’s end this incredible list of exotic fruits with another entry from Africa — the African Mangosteen.
With a distinct orange skin, this fruit is not to be confused with its Southeast Asian cousin, which has a purple hue.
The African Mangosteen has a sweet, tart flavor described as similar to apricot.
The bottom line
When it comes to fruits, people have a lot of preferences, but familiarity with fruit from around the world can be fun and exciting too!
You’ll be astounded that many fruits start with the letter A, from the famous Apple up to the Azarole and everything in between!
It has a lot to offer, not just savory recipes and delightful dessert ingredients, but this nature’s bounty can become the next level to eating varied foods.
Fruits are everywhere, and some are just waiting to be discovered.
We hope you enjoy our world exploration with these fruits that start with A.
Do you know some more? Let us know!
Other Fruits That Start With
45 Fruits That Start With A
Here’s an epic list of 45 fruits that start with “A” that can help you expand your knowledge about fruit in different regions of the world!
- Apple
- Apricots
- Avocado
- Acai Berry
- Acerola Cherry
- Amanatsu
- Achacha
- Amazon Tree Grape
- Alpine Strawberry
- Ambarella
- Aprium
- Aubergine
- Amla
- Ackee
- Ambrosia Melon
- Asian Pear
- Alupag
- Australian Finger Lime
- Abiu
- Apple Berry
- Annona
- African Horned Cucumber
- Agbalumo
- Annatto
- Adams Pearmain Apple
- Akebia
- African Breadfruit
- African Mango
- Amaou Strawberries
- Ambrosia Apples
- Arava Melon
- Asam Kumbang
- Abiurana
- African Cherry Orange
- Alligator Apple
- Almonds
- Amara
- Anchovy Pear
- Andean Blackberry
- Apple Guava
- Araca-Boi
- Arrayan
- Ashwagandha
- Azarole
- African Mangosteen
- Pick three familiar Fruits That Start With A.
- Choose another three fruits that aren't familiar to you.
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