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Foods That Start With W: 17 Entries To WOW Your Culinary Friends

Foods That Start With W: 17 Entries To WOW Your Culinary Friends

It’s just whacky how often these W foods are among the favorites in our pantry!

What? Not Witloof or Winter melon? Well, you might be surprised!

Check out our list of foods that start with W to really while away the time. 

Or if you are planning some kind of wild party why not make a list of a few favorite foods that Wanda, Wade, and Wally have always loved.

Wil, Washington, and Ward are sure to love some of these foods that start with the letter W if they just give them a try. 

Thanks for checking out our W food list and we really hope you have a wonderful time with it!!

One of the largest fruits out there, a watermelon weighs up to 15kg. The fruit often grows in an oval, with a swirl of pale and dark greens on a smooth rind.

In terms of flavor, watermelons are sweet, juicy, and refreshing. They are about 92% water, after all!

While watermelon flesh is usually red, a yellow variety has come on the scene. 

The flavor of watermelon is so distinctive that many other foods spotlight “watermelon” flavor, such as gum, candy, drinks, and more.

2. Wasabi

That light green paste that tastes weirdly spicy nestled alongside your prized California rolls is “wasabi.” 

But did you know that there’s a 90% chance that what you tasted wasn’t “real” wasabi?

The real wasabi is made from the rhizome or the plant stem that grows underground of the Wasabia japonica plant. 

That familiar, reinvigorating spiciness, on the other hand, comes from allyl isothiocyanate (horseradish) instead of pepper’s capsaicin.

Wasabi is served as a condiment to all forms of sushi, and if you’re like Renee’, you’re eating green peas coated in wasabi as a nightly crunchy snack.

3. Wheat

One of the more popular staple foods in the world, wheat is a grass widely cultivated for its seed, a cereal grain. 

Meanwhile, the many species of wheat make up Triticum, with the common wheat as the most grown.

Mostly grown in temperate regions, the grain from a cereal plant is ground to make flour for pastry, pasta, bread, etc.

4. Walnuts

Despite the walnut’s rich, sweet flesh, they sure do look like little brains, don’t they?

This is also quite interesting as their shells are hard and tough!

Declared as the most consumed nut in the world, walnuts mostly come from China and California.

They’re consumed as is and are added in foods such as bread, cakes, and even in savory dishes. Try this recipe for a sweet and spicy walnut snack!

Renee’ created this incredible Walnut Butter recipe, and this spread is super addictive on crackers, sweet breads, toast, and more.

5. Wiener

Now, there’s a reason why Dachshunds are called wiener dogs!

Wiener is a long, cured, smoked, and cooked sausage. 

Though it is a ready-to-eat sausage, it can also be consumed after you fry or boil it. This sausage can also be grilled.

The wiener’s origins can be traced back to Vienna 300 years ago, while the Austrian and German immigrants were responsible for introducing this food in the US.

6. White rice

Easily one of the most popular rice varieties in the world is the white one. 

White rice is also the most consumed type, especially for those who live in Asia. 

While its brown counterpart refers to the variety that features a whole grain, white rice had its bran and germ removed.

White rice is also one of the most sought-after sides here in CookingChew.

7. Wakame

If you’re fond of Japanese cuisine, chances are you’ve already been consuming miso soup for quite some time. 

In this elixir, you’ll find these edible seaweeds referred to as wakame.

Apart from wakame being a miso soup ingredient, you can also find it in other tasty dishes.

8. Wine

Although any fruit, such as apple, plum, or cranberry, can be used to make wine, our eighth entry is widely referred to as that alcoholic beverage made with the fermented pressing of grapes.

Wine comes with a variety of tastes, though most of them are fairly acidic. They can also be sweet and dry. Typically, there is white wine, red wine, and dessert wine.

Did you get stuck mid-recipe and realized you are out of white wine? These are a few substitutes for white wine to help get you through those tough days.

9. Winter squash

Winter squash comes with these standard features: hard shells, an inner hollow, and the flesh.

While their shells are notorious for being hard to pierce, these same shells account for their longer shelf life, with some lasting up to six months. 

Their inner hollows, on the other hand, have seeds.

The flesh of a winter squash tends to feature a mildly sweet flavor, along with a fine texture.

10. Whiskey

Manhattan? An Old Fashioned? Hot toddy? If you’ve heard of these, there’s a likelihood that you already enjoyed the inclusion of whiskey (aka whisky).

Whiskey refers to an amber-hued distilled spirit made out of fermented grain, most of which is rye, corn, wheat, or barley. 

You can find most whiskeys aged in wooden casks right before they get bottled.

11. Waffles

Who doesn’t like waffles? Well, probably those who already have a mouthful! 

For someone like me who is obsessed with waffles, that one is something I cannot relate to.

A waffle is a dish made from a leavened batter or dough. This is then cooked between two plates that are patterned to give this food some serious impression.

Waffles are traditionally served at breakfast, but in the southern United States, Chicken and Waffles is an age-old dish that features fried chicken and, you guessed it, waffles with butter and syrup. 

Some might also consume it as dessert or snack. Here’s our list of waffle toppings you might like.

12. Worcestershire sauce

Admit it. You once tried to pronounce this several times first before you finally nailed it!

Sources are mixed, but here at the Chew, we have landed firmly in the camp of WER-STER-SHER.

How about you?

Worcestershire sauce is a fermented liquid condiment made from a base of vinegar flavored with onion, garlic, anchovies, tamarind, molasses, and other seasonings. 

There are many forms of Worcestershire sauce. These include vegetarian, gluten-free, vegan, and low sodium.

Need a substitute for Worcestershire sauce?

13. White asparagus

While it’s easy to say that green asparagus is different from white asparagus, they are essentially the same in type and flavor.

The only difference between the two is that white asparagus is harvested right before the spears break through the soil’s surface.

Ever wondered why it’s white, though? This is largely because white asparagus is never exposed to sunlight. As it is, chlorophyll isn’t produced in the process.

14. Witloof

The etymology of the word is Dutch, but it’s also called chicory!

Witloof literally translates to “white leaf.” It’s also called Belgium endive or simply endive. 

Witloof features crisp, firm, compact heads described as creamy white, with pale yellow tips.

 It’s often consumed raw in a salad vegetable. They also say that witloof goes well with cheese.

15. Wineberry

Also known as wine raspberry or Japanese wineberry, wineberry is an invasive vine originating from Japan and eastern Asia. 

Wineberry is associated with raspberry and blackberry; some would say that it’s been crossed with both. 

I happened to come across this Wineberry Cobbler recipe, and I must say I’d give this a try.

16. Winter melon

Despite its name, winter melon isn’t a fruit. Surprise! This one is a veggie, used in stews, soups, and braised dishes. 

A large vine vegetable with pale white flesh, a winter melon also goes by the names of ash gourd, tallow gourd, and fuzzy gourd. 

As an immature vegetable, winter melon features a slight sweetness, much like melon, and a bland flavor when it finally matures.

Here are 18 tasty recipes that use wintermelon from our friends over at Backyard Boss.

17. Water spinach

Called kangkong in the Philippines, water spinach is a long, leafy green vegetable with hollow stems. 

It grows in water or damp soil.

While it has “spinach” in it, water spinach isn’t really spinach. There are two types of water spinach: green stem water spinach and white stem water spinach.

Try this Kangkong in Garlic Sauce from Ang Sarap!

17 Foods That Start With W

17 Foods That Start With W

Here are 17 of the most popular food entries that start with W - from wasabi to water spinach!


  • Watermelon
  • Wasabi
  • Wheat
  • Walnuts
  • Wiener
  • White rice
  • Wakame
  • Wine
  • Winter squash
  • Whiskey
  • Waffles
  • Worcestershire sauce
  • White asparagus
  • Witloof
  • Wineberry
  • Wintermelon
  • Water spinach


  1. Choose two to three entries in the list.
  2. Tell us if you made any of these and what you think!

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The bottom line

What’s in a list of foods that start with W? 

Well, you can just take a quick look at what you like and incorporate a few of them at your next windy, wistful event!

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