What a devoted customer.
Sometimes, a little extra love for your favorite brand goes beyond just words or gestures—it can be a permanent commitment.
That’s exactly what Dan Levy, a customer from Charlotte, NC, did when he took his admiration for Beard Papa’s to the next level by getting a tattoo of their mascot. Yes, a tattoo to honor his love for their cream puffs.

Dan’s journey with Beard Papa’s started during a family trip to Denver, where his brother introduced him to the Green Tea cream puffs that would become his favorite.
“People think it’s strange getting a tattoo of a cream puff chain’s mascot, but overall, people like it. It’s all about the cream puffs!” Dan shared with a laugh.
When he revealed his tattoo at the Charlotte location, the staff was in shock. “When he showed it to me and my team, we were all shocked and saying ‘no way’” said Linda Kuai, owner of the store.
“Honestly, I felt special that it happened at my location,” Kuai added.
The bakery chain, “so moved” by Dan’s dedication and loyalty, presented him with the “highest honor” at Beard Papa’s—cream puffs for life!
“We couldn’t be more thrilled to have such a passionate and dedicated fan as part of our Beard Papa’s family,” according to the chain.